Monday, February 22, 2010

partner questions

1. We believe that the quality of home-grown amateur videos will continue to get better over time because the technology that individuals use will become more advanced as time goes on. Technology has been on the rise for as long as the personal camcorder has existed, and it will only continue to get better.

2. People have different views on what is involved in articles. The pieces of information may be interpreted differently and therefore the articles would be categorized differently from person to person.

3. Without transparency the world would not be able to communicate the way we can today. The lines of communication would be much harder to reach and we would not have the accessibility we are used to. It is more important in the offline world because we need to be able to communicate with each other face to face, as opposed to online via the internet.

Questions on "The Persuaders"

Q - "The Persuaders" begins by questioning the increase in the amount of advertising we typically encounter in our daily lives. How would you assess the amount of advertising you see? Too much? Too little? Just right? In your view, what difference does it make to know that people today see much more advertising in their daily lives than people 20 or 30 years ago?

The documentary “The persuaders” questions the increase in the amount of advertising that we see today in our daily lives. I think that today we can see two much advertising in our lives and it almost become time waiting. The increase in creative advertising over the pas 20 to 30 years has changed the way that consumers think completely. The advertising industry has gotten into the psychology of the consume, and in dong so have created a wave of all new different ways to get to the front of everyday peoples minds

Q - Where are things headed in the future? What are some possible scenarios that could play out as far as the direction that future persuaders may take their marketing techniques.

As of now it looks to be clear that advertiser are not going to decrease the amount that they expose themselves to the consumer, because as soon as they slow down they will be overtaken by some one increasing their visibility to buyers. In the future the use of wireless networking and user recognition that can modify adds to appeal to a specific audience. Advertising will continue to become more and more creative, and will become more specific and effective as time goes on.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Digital Nation analysis 2

After getting to see more of the film Digital Nation it was interesting t get to see new view points on todays youth and there dependence on technology. As young people submerge themselves deeper and deeper into technology they will enviably become more dependent on the technologies that they adapt too. As the film went on it displayed how some people are realy embracing the new technology and are applying it to new teaching styles. Some schools have even gone fully digital, and teaches kids using only gaming and technology to motivate these students.
They encouraged the idea that people have to adapt to technology and use it to help us in the future, the criticize how older generations judge the new generations dependence on media, and technology. In reality they may be the ones that are left behind, due to a changing world, and they are resistant to accept that.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Digital Nation Analysis

what i have seen so far in the documentary Digital Nation has been very interesting. Up until the past few years ago i did not think much about how all of the technology in my life, ended up affecting my life. this film talked allot about the results of recent changes in the way that youth think and communicate, also how they are inevitably overloading themseves with media.
I think that the message of the film so far is quite interesting and thought provoking for me so far. the information that the narrator presents is quite valid all the i am not 100% positive that i agree with what they have to say. i am anxious to see what the film has to say in the following segments, to see f the viewpoints of the presenter change or my opinion changes.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The medium for this media collage is the Telephone
i tried to show its progression over time and how the message is carried out.

web 2.0 terms

User Generated Content: media generate by everyday people that can be broadcast all over the world via the internet, examples would include youtube and Facebook.
long tail:is refering to graphin over time
network as a platform: the network is the most cost efective platform companys can use to involve new and more comlex interactions.
Folksonomy:a system of classifacation by creativley maneging tags to catagerize and anotate content.
syndacation: is the sale of the right to bradcast media such as tv and radio to individual tv stations.
Mass collaberation: a collective action that occurs when a large number of peoplework indipendently on a particular project.
computer supported collaberation:focusses on technoligy that affects, groups, organizations, comunities, and socioties. examples would be voicemail, and texting.
hosted services: gives individuals the ability to make a web site that can be bradcasted via the internet.
web applacations: software that is hosted in a browser controled enviornment.
social software:websites such as you tube and flicker and twiter are examples of social software.
video sharing sites: sites that alow the user to bradcast video of multiple users to one another in a video chat, examples would be skype and i chat.
wikis: a wb site that can be easily created and edited by users.
blogs: websites that create a thread of conversation that can include text, posts, and videos.