Monday, February 8, 2010

web 2.0 terms

User Generated Content: media generate by everyday people that can be broadcast all over the world via the internet, examples would include youtube and Facebook.
long tail:is refering to graphin over time
network as a platform: the network is the most cost efective platform companys can use to involve new and more comlex interactions.
Folksonomy:a system of classifacation by creativley maneging tags to catagerize and anotate content.
syndacation: is the sale of the right to bradcast media such as tv and radio to individual tv stations.
Mass collaberation: a collective action that occurs when a large number of peoplework indipendently on a particular project.
computer supported collaberation:focusses on technoligy that affects, groups, organizations, comunities, and socioties. examples would be voicemail, and texting.
hosted services: gives individuals the ability to make a web site that can be bradcasted via the internet.
web applacations: software that is hosted in a browser controled enviornment.
social software:websites such as you tube and flicker and twiter are examples of social software.
video sharing sites: sites that alow the user to bradcast video of multiple users to one another in a video chat, examples would be skype and i chat.
wikis: a wb site that can be easily created and edited by users.
blogs: websites that create a thread of conversation that can include text, posts, and videos.

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